Sep 30, 2016

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm ( f/2.8 1/30 )
「 最近は雨が多いけど、今日はちょい散歩いけたな! 」

「 Recently, there are many rain, I could go walk today ! 」

Sep 29, 2016

【 RED MAN:赤い男 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm

【 RED MAN:赤い男 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm ( f/2.5 1/125 )


【 english 】

Coordination in the upper and lower red. Blond man. Urban-ish. Running of the or ... Walking of the or ....

【 Park bench:ベンチ 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm

【 Park bench:ベンチ 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm ( f/2.5 1/125 )

【 english 】

Sometimes. Through the park. There is a nice bench. Lucky day ♪

【 PHOTO COLUMN 01 写真を発明したのは誰? 】Who began the photo?

■「 いつ誰が写真を発明した? 」

COLUMN of the photography 01 :  Who began the photo?


1825年頃:フランス人の発明家ニセフォール・ニエプスが版画を撮影した作品「un cheval et son conducteur 」が世界で一番古い写真と言われている。ということは彼が居なければ私が写真を撮り始めることはなかった。ニセフォールは、光を平面状の物質の上に映し、物質に化学変化を起こさせ版を作るという、リトグラフに代わる新しい印刷法を作ることを研究していた。最初の頃の実験で箱状の物体に穴を開けてそこから取り込む風景の放つ光の像を紙状の平面に定着させることに成功したが、定着した像はすぐに消え去ってしまった。1816年の義理の姉に宛てた手紙の内容に「紙の上のイメージを定着させる方法を発見したが、光を当てた後すぐにイメージが薄れてしまう」と書いている。そこで腐食防止用に使うアスファルトの一種でパレスチナ原産の「ユダヤの土瀝青」が、光に当てると硬くなって油に溶けなくなる性質を知り、写真に利用しようとした。版画を作り磨いたシロメ板に瀝青を塗ってこの上に紙に描いた絵画(ニスを塗って紙を半透明にしたもの)を置き、太陽に当てると、絵の線の部分はよく光が当たらず瀝青が固まらないままになる。この板をラベンダー油で洗うと、光が当たって硬くなった瀝青は残り、線の下にあって固まらなかった瀝青が洗い流され、結果として板に溝が残る。ここにインクを入れて印刷原版にするというアイデアだった。ニエプスは自分の技術を「太陽で描く」という意味を込めて「エリオグラフィ(héliographie)」と呼んでいた。か・・・かっこいい!!

ニセフォール・ニエプスが世界初といわれる写真を製作したのは1822年、その時の教皇ピウス7世の肖像を写したものとされている。その原版は自分でコピーを作ろうとした時に破壊してしまった。ようするに焼き増しようとして失敗して壊したのだろう。Roland Barthes の " La cámara lúcida " ( Paidós, Barcelona,1989 ) のスペイン語版 " La chambre claire " には「 用意された食卓 」( Table ready ) という霧がかかったような写真(1822年に撮影されたとされる)が掲載されている。原版が残る世界最古の写真は、1825年に彼が撮った、『 Un cheval et son conducteur 』(馬引く男)である。この写真は2002年3月21日にサザビーズというオークションに出品され、44万3000ドルで落札された。同じようにこの方法で瀝青を使うことで、カメラ・オブスクラによる画像も定着させることができるはずと考えさまざまな実験をした。像を長く定着させることにはじめて成功したのは1824年といわれている。

* 彼が作った画像の中で残っている作品のひとつに、窓の外を写した「ル・グラの窓からの眺め」がある。(1827年6月か7月に撮影:1826年という説もあり)。この写真の撮影方法は露出時間が8時間から20時間もかかり、本当かどうか今日でも議論の対象となってる。あまりにも露出時間が長くて、建物や静物など動かないものの光景しか写すことができず、不便だったと考えられている。

【 english 】

Half a year, take a photo every day. I decided to examine the origin. All media to use research to the Internet. I do not know whether accurate or the other, enjoy to learn by going to stack their own knowledge. As long as you paste the link possible to see the source.

1825: Works that French inventor Nicéphore Niépce have taken prints "un cheval et son conducteur" is said to be the oldest photograph in the world. That was never begin to take my photo unless stay him. He, reflects the image light onto the planar material, of creating plate to cause a chemical change in the material, it was to create a new printing method that replaces the lithograph. The image of the light that gives off the landscape in the early days of the experiment was able to be fixed to the plane, but the established image was wiped immediately. The contents of the letter addressed to the sister of the 1816 law "found a way to fix the image on the paper, but the image is noticeably faded soon after shed light" and wrote. So "Jewish soil bitumen" of Palestinian origin a type of asphalt used for corrosion prevention has become harder when exposed to light and trying to use the composed nature, not soluble in oil. Place the paint the bitumen to the pewter plate was polished to make prints paintings drawn on paper on this (which was in the paper and varnished semi-transparent), when exposed to the sun, part of the picture of the line is well light hit not bitumen will remain that does not harden. Wash the plate with lavender oil, remaining bitumen light becomes hard hit is, bitumen that did not solidified there to below the line has been washed away, as a result of the groove is left on the plate. Was the idea of ​​the printing plate to put the ink here. Niepce had called their own technology in the sense of "draw in the sun" and "Helio graphics (héliographie)". Niepce that was produced a photo which is said to be the world's first 1822 years, has been assumed that a copy of the Pope Pius VII of the portrait of that time. Its precursor was accidentally destroyed when you try to make a copy on your own. In short reprint wonder it broke to fail as so. Of Roland Barthes "La cámara lúcida" (Paidós, Barcelona, ​​1989) in the Spanish version of "La chambre claire" of the shooting in the photo (1822, such as took fog that "has been prepared table" (Table ready) It is said to have) has been published. The world's oldest photograph original is extant, he in 1825 took, is "Un cheval et son conducteur" (man-catching horse). This photo has been exhibited in the auction that Sotheby's on March 21, 2002, made a successful bid at $ 443,000.

By using bitumen Similarly, it was supposed with the idea various experiments that can image also fixed by camera obscura. The first time was able to fix long the image is said to be 1824 years. One although he remains in the image that was created, 1827 June or July, (there is also a theory that 1826 years) is a copy out of the window, "View from Le Gras window". This method takes less than 20 hours exposure time from 8 hours, has been the subject of debate even true whether today. Too long exposure time, not only able to photograph the scene of things that do not work, such as building or still life, was inconvenient.

Sep 27, 2016

【 wide angle:広角  】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF18-50mm

【 wide angle:広角  】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF18-50mm ( f/3.5 1/30 ) 

「 すべてを写真に収めたい 」という抜群なシチュエーションがきたら広角レンズの出番です。そんなシチュエーションはめったにありません。なぜなら構図の中に必ず消してしまいたい何かが写り込んでいるから。私はあまり待つことが好きじゃないので、最高のシャッターチャンスを何時間も待つことはしません(きっぱり)。ただ特別な景色や、周りに邪魔するものがない風景に出会ったら、広角レンズしかない。いつも単焦点の85mmやら105mmやらで出動してるので、広角レンズに変えてファインダーを覗くとあまりの構図の違いに驚く。いつもの倍以上の画角が画面いっぱいに広がってるのだ。広角レンズは広角レンズでしかとれない風景があるので、いい場面に出くわしたらポケットから取り出して、最高の瞬間をD500で狙いたい。が、しかーし。。。私は広角レンズを持ってない。どうしたものか・・・。ズームを買えばいいのかな・・・。


It is the turn of the wide-angle lens When you come preeminent situations "I want enjoyed all the composition." Such situations rarely. What you want will be sure to turn out in the composition is crowded Ballmer. Because I do not like to wait too much, I do not wait for the best photo opportunity for hours (once and for all). Special scenery and, you encounter the landscape there is nothing to disturb around, there is only a wide-angle lens. Always of single-focus 85mm, since the mobilization in 105mm, looking through the viewfinder instead of the wide-angle lens and surprised at the difference of much of the composition. Always more than double of the angle of view is he has spread to fill the screen. Because there is a landscape that can be taken only at the wide-angle lens, it is taken out from if there a good scene pocket, want to aim the best moments in the D500. But. . . I do not have a wide-angle lens. What's wrong thing or .... uh ... if i buy a zoom.

Sep 26, 2016

【 Autumn apparel:秋物 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm

【 Autumn apparel:秋物 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm ( f/2 1/160 )



Shop display of the city's autumn and winter is packed. Length is short in this brand of dress also combined it seems to be soft material to the illustrations with a unique view of the world. How to match the color is unified in earth tones, produce a fall. Since the shooting through the glass, get into a little reflection. It depicts clean until the texture of the fingertip of the mannequin.

【 angry cat : 猫 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm

【 angry cat : 猫 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm ( f/1.8 1/2,500 )

家の近くで昼寝してたネコ。ネコはたまに遭遇する。撮影させてくれるかどうかは、そのネコ次第。半分くらいの確率で撮影させてもらえる。寄っていっても警戒しないネコもいれば、露骨に怒るネコもいる。そっと近づいて「 いいですか? 」とお伺いを立てるんだけど、このネコはちと怒ってた。1枚だけ撮影させてもらって、その場を立ち去った。

【 english 】

Cat that had been taking a nap in a nearby house. Cat will encounter occasionally. Whether me to shoot, as soon as the cat. Get by shooting with a probability of about half. Some cats do not alert also went by, there cat angry blatantly also. It does make a you ask the "OK?" Approaching softly, this cat was angry. Only one ask them to shoot, walked out of the place.

Sep 25, 2016

【 Street light:街灯 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm

【 Street light:街灯 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm ( F/1.8 1/160 )


【 english 】

Mood of the people that the city of streetlights live in cool and the city will be better. Once upon a time, when I was living in France, where the city's street lighting was also surprised at the really cool thing. It has been design in town (surprise). Japan ended the war, the economy is also experience bubble to reconstruction, because he was in a country where spend is usually routine, should I focus the design force in said part way in the future. And the city of street lights, electric wires, telephone poles, etc., still noticeable part is full. It recreates new ones you are using from the old days we need a big force, wash out these parts, should retract the human from more and more foreign If we fix. Everyone should be surprised in that you have design the power to gather so much people.

【 modern building : 近代的なビル 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm

【 modern building : 近代的なビル 】NIKON D500 / TAMRON SP 85mm ( f/9 1/320 ) 

最近できたビルは昔のビルと違い、造形が凝ってる。どうやって設計するのかわからないが、とても複雑な構造だ。綺麗な曲線を描きながら空に向かって伸びてる。圧倒的な存在感。まだビル自体が新しいので、どの窓も光を綺麗に反射してる。こういった被写体を撮影するとき、レンズにとっては負荷が沢山かかってるので難しいのかもしれないけど、この写真はよく写ってる。タムロンのSP 85mmの単焦点レンズはポートレートに特化したレンズと謳われてるけど、私はガンガン人物じゃないものを撮りまくってる。この単焦点レンズは色も綺麗にでるんだけど、モノクロもとても綺麗に描写する。色の出方の感じはニコンのレンズと違う。タムロンは独自の色の解像をする。それもとても綺麗に。どこまで細かい部分が描写できるのかは、カメラが持つセンサーとか、レンズによって違う。けど、そんなに大きな解像度は私にはいらない。印刷することもないし、ウェブにアップすることが目的なので、1000万画素もあれば事足りると思う。それよりもしっかりピントが合わせられてるかどうか。ピントの合ってるポイントから、どれくらいのぼやけ方で周りが描写できてるか、その二点につきる。タムロンの単焦点レンズもD500も、どちらも自分の仕事をやりきり綺麗な写真がとれた。


Now the building is the difference between the old building, and elaborate molding. I do not know how to design how, but it's very complex structure. And it extends into the sky while drawing a beautiful curve. Because still building itself is new, what windows are also beautifully reflects the light. When shooting these subjects, but might be difficult because it takes the load for the lens, this photo is reflected well. I single-focus lens of 85mm of TAMRON has been billed as the lens that specializes in portrait, I'm crazy to take things that are not pounding person. But this lens'm color also come out clean, monochrome is also very beautiful to depict. How far you can depiction small part of the camera resolution, different by the lens. But, larger resolution does not enter me so much. It can not even be printed, because the goal is to be up to the web, I think suffice Some 10 million pixels. Whether it has been together firmly focus than. From the point that is in focus, how much of a blur how you are able depiction around in, exhausted to the two points. Single-focus lens of TAMRON also, D500 also, both beautiful photo was taken banged to do their work.


【 PRESSURE GAUGE : 圧計 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm ( f/1.8 1/2500 )



Obayashi brand of pressure gauge. Good choice of font. Designer is the design of the dial. It has important this kind of part. I because it is useless and character can not be read properly at the scene that must be timed exactly. it's beautiful.

Sep 24, 2016

【 moving and stop : 停車してるのと動いてるの 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm

【 moving and stop : 停車してるのと動いてるの 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm ( f/1.8 1/25 )


【 english 】

I tried to shoot tips of has stopped the car. Behind the car has passed. Since the car is larger every single part, it does not enter the viewfinder If you do not put a considerable distance when shooting in telephoto lens. Likely it referred to as "focal length There 's should I use a short lens," but, that's right at all. Yes. But when I'm this, rather than with other than 85mm of lens, yet pulling a dog in one hand, harsh conditions of single-lens reflex in one hand. In everyday life, shooting technology improvement is the repetition of such work. It does not go as you think quite. One is a photo that can be used with 100 shots, whether or not there is a percentage of the much. If accustomed to at the very least so that only the focus is combined firm, but I think that reduces the photo to become a dead issue, the situation that is pulled to the dog at the moment which determines the composition slowly while looking through the viewfinder. Training journey continues.

【 classic mini:旧型ミニ 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm

【 classic mini:旧型ミニ 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm ( f/9 1/320 )



Classic mini. Mini has changed to made BMW since 2000 have been made from 1959. It looks better in the old cute. You do not have to protect the passengers now, useless to be good fuel economy, that the law is old car design if there is a variety of reasons are renewal can not be realized. I wonder a lot, but if cute more of the old design, can not be helped. We pray that the new mini design is cute than the old days of the mini.

Sep 23, 2016

【 a lots of direction :標識 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm

【 a lots of direction :標識 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO
NIKKOR 105mm ( f/4 1/60 )


【 english 】

Label facing a lot of direction. Color is interesting. Futako objects that had been placed in the Tsutaya appliances Tamagawa. Matrix of movie Doors open waiting on the other side. Futako Tsutaya consumer electronics of Tamagawa is favorite location. In addition to this there is a lot of, Mac or camera, or music system of miscellaneous goods, in a variety of select book of clearance gap, such as Starbucks and television even this! It sorts about that. Because here many take pictures, after you have finished shooting, it is good for development work on a laptop while drinking coffee slowly.

Sep 22, 2016

【 crystal glass and the blue sky 】iPhone 4

【 crystal glass and the blue sky 】iPhone 4 


【 english 】

When shooting towards a transparent glass in the sky, it moves to clean crystal clear. To shoot toward the bag you put the goldfish in the sky. 's The same way. Photo is very large influence of light. So or looking for the sun, or to provide a strobe, or wait until dark lighting, the camera likes various devices around the world. It is reflective glass also the light of the shop show window, a puddle after the rain also a nice and sparkly. But I do not know how honed in what photo it to not look towards the camera. To try anyway try many, it leads to build their own taste. You can release the shutter in any conditions. Should you choose a good photo from among them.

【 Bubbles and children:子供とシャボン玉 】canon EOS kiss X7 : canon EF 40mm

【 Bubbles and children:子供とシャボン玉 】canon EOS kiss X7 : canon EF 40mm ( f/6.3 1/400 )

【 english 】

People who make a big soap bubble in Tokyo Yoyogi Park. Bubbles that this person is making is very large. People around always and bubble starts a lot, come around. Children is a very fun, adults are busy shooting in the smartphone. I think this person is doing a Google plus. Now, let's put a link.

Sep 21, 2016

【 Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャテリア&マルチーズ 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm

【 Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャテリア&マルチーズ 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm

「お前と散歩し始めてもう2年半かー。結構いろいろ歩いたなぁ。お前アイス食ってばっかりだけど、俺のオヤツ買うの忘れるんじゃねえぞ!まだ俺はファミチキがっつり食ってないんだからな!わかってんだろうな!そんなこんなで宜しくな!」by ガブリエル

"I wonder 2 and a half years. Was quite various walked started to walk with you. I did nothing but eat you ice,'ll not you forget to buy my SNACK! Still I guess with it! Know because I do not eat Famichiki smash! such a Do regards such! " by Gabriel

【 British Car:イギリス製の車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 British Car:イギリス製の車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm ( f/2 1/125 )



British-made car. In the UK, cute car a lot. Also to good this land Rover, Range Rover, Defender, also kind of MINI and car lot. Since never actually bought a British-made car, I do not know whether or not convenient to use everyday, have come up with aura, such as visiting a nice every day. Since the design is also different from the Japan of the car, I encounter an interesting Solving car, start shooting immediately. Since the car is large, it is often not enter the viewfinder and it single focus telephoto that I use. So, in a sense, such as going to cut the cute part of the car in the photo, and bits and pieces shooting, keep reservoir take. 's The best if you can If shooting playing from a distance.

【 kid :子供 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm

【 kid :子供 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm 



Father and children. When shooting the children. Shooting the height of the child's face. I think that to adjust the height by changing the attitude is like gymnastics, there are physical fitness is to do all day. I feel the era and the sight of the iPhone with one hand of the father in the Afro.

Sep 20, 2016

【 one coin coffee : ファミマエスプレッソ  】NIKON D700 / AF micro NIKKOR 105mm

【 one coin coffee : ファミマエスプレッソ  】NIKON D700 / AF micro NIKKOR 105mm ( f/10 1/400 )




Convenience store coffee ( especially Seven-Eleven, FamilyMart ) is delicious. I often directed to the destination from buying FAMIMA latte or espresso when I go out with my car in winter. Coffee makes me feel good. Sometimes meet occasionally bad coffee, was so disappointed (laughs). 

Since the light is coffee cup that are working to clean it had been placed, shot from an angle. Pinto had to clean because it was bright. Than color, conversion to black and white in Photoshop because the person of black and white came out atmosphere. Since coffee is love, I think tries to continue to shoot even now (≧ ∇ ≦) b. 

【 eye from sky : 上からの景色 】iPhone 4

【 eye from sky : 上からの景色 】iPhone 4 ( f/2.8 1/335 )




Shoot the roof under the building from the observatory of different building. Usually, a strange feel because scenery unfamiliar. I wonder if always see the scenery of this feeling is the bird. Although it is gone to there point of view because the large building, such just around, also is reflected finely small building in the distance. Building around Shinjuku Looking at the distant buildings is understood well how much greater.

This is also taken with iPhone. A look at the monitor, will turn off the shutter to check the composition or are in the can properly screen those you want to shoot myself. When the iPhone's camera is to touch the dark part of the subject that is reflected in the monitor, exposed to the part is taken are adjusted. With this feature, you should take pictures beautiful even when somewhat dark. By all means, please try.

Sep 19, 2016

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D200 / AF-S MICRO NIKKOR 105mm

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D200 / AF-S MICRO NIKKOR 105mm ( f/3.2 1/8,000 ) 

「 明日は台風がくるぞ!風よ吹け! 」by ガブリエル

" Tomorrow typhoon is coming ! Wind blows ! " By Gabriel

【 shop sign : 看板 】iPhone 5s

【 shop sign : 看板 】iPhone 5s ( f/2.2 1/6849 )





Builders of the signboard. I do not know whether the sense is good, easy to remember to get. You feel you are taking balance the character of the layout that mess be kept to a black-and-white (matte). Very difficult I array of such character. Crowded into all of the characters in the round, work that can finish a single one of the characters in the original one is a very because there is no correct answer. Combination of letters and Chinese characters are also increasing the difficulty.

This photo is also right in the middle of the center layout. If this kind of case it is what you in the back is not required, a photo is funny. Devise to avoid as much as possible from entering in the composition. But, in many cases not help how to.

iPhone shutter speed of when I took this photo is faster. iPhone's selling the photos can be taken only by anyone press, but the shutter speed is fast of surprised to here. Use technology feel the intention Leave a good photo with anything.

【 Shop sign:お店の看板 】iPhone 4

【 Shop sign:お店の看板 】iPhone 4 ( f/2.8  1/450 ) 




Shop sign. Style, such as elongated light from the shop of the wall come popping out. new. Brand logo also are to clean font design. Such gimmick is really interesting. I feel awkward. There is no other, one-of-a-kind style. What you have properly designed in such wind is good if a lot to the city. I think there a lot gather area is natural and human. Also important to stick to the traditional style from the old days. But modern living modern design properly. Power that things survive if design power of selection has been a good design will be evaluated more. I also think that going to live in the power of design.

Since this sign was in a very high position, it has not been captured by the surface. Because it was neat sunny day captures the shadow grew angle in the sense, diagonal take. Texture of the walls are also reflected well. Since I was not already have a single-lens reflex camera shooting, I was taken with iPhone. Tokyo, the Harajuku is full of interesting city even if you all day shooting, never troubled to look for the subject.

【 lighting :照明 】NIKON D700 / TAMRON SP 85mm

【 lighting :照明 】NIKON D700 / TAMRON SP 85mm (f/3.5 1/50) 



Waffle round Long sleeve which was hung in the apparel shop. Earth colors. Lighting from above it is seen ups and downs of the mannequin body. Shop logo in nailing, has become a shadow of nails that can be light hitting from the top to the accent. A brick wall portions are painting in off-white with something like paint cement. While producing a clean antique feeling, thereby complement the product. Shop show window is a lot of fun is condensed are various ideas. Brand in order to convey the brand's concept is building a shop to devise. Clerk is confronted by a new layout each time a new product is in stock, attracting the audience's attention. The is a lot of fun to shoot it. My Google plus was up a photo of the black-and-white version, this blog tried in the color version.

Sep 18, 2016

【 back to home : 家路 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm USM

【 back to home : 家路 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm USM ( f/4.5 1/320 ) 


【 english 】
Back figure of the woman.After work maybe. This is not a center layout, women subject that is shifted to the right. Trimming looking for the best fit is a good place in the square. With the position and the bag is, clothes, easy hairstyle becomes the point.

【 français 】
Chiffre Retour du travail de woman.After peut-être. Ce ne sont pas une disposition de centre, les femmes sujet qui est décalé vers la droite. Le parage recherche de la meilleure solution est un bon endroit sur la place. Avec la position et le sac est, des vêtements, coiffure facile devient le point.

【 bicycle : 自転車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 bicycle : 自転車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM



Cross bike of blue. Cool. Anxious or ran taste of the of what I feel. Royal Blue also saddle also match the body color tire. Fashionable umbrella method of storage is.

This is also shooting method object layout center. I often shoot in this way. In the vicinity of the center it has in focus, and there is a blurring of the before and after is deep out of depth in a two-dimensional photograph join. To find a good subject, simple but how to take pictures of only release the shutter, now it is understood that the difference in little by little photo, hang something like come known.

【 français】
Vélo Croix de bleu. Refroidir. Goût anxieux ou couru du de ce que je ressens. Royal Blue également correspondre selle également le pneu de couleur de la carrosserie. Mode méthode de parapluie de stockage est.

Ceci est également le tournage méthode objet centre de mise en page. Je tire souvent de cette façon. Dans le voisinage du centre, il a mis au point, et il y a un flou de l'avant et après est profonde de profondeur dans une photographie en deux dimensions rejoindre. Pour trouver un bon sujet, simple mais comment prendre des photos de ne relâcher le déclencheur, maintenant il est entendu que la différence de petit à petit photo, accrocher quelque chose comme viennent connu.

【 door : ドア 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85m (f/14 1/1250)

【 door : ドア 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85m (f/14 1/1250)


Storefront of the door i find when i am walking down the Kamakura. See a photograph well and it is written with the Glass Art Museum in the upper right corner of the billboard. Wrought iron of glass art and a handle that is embedded in the door is interesting. Since the light came in on a diagonal, it was from the middle of the angle of view of the Square in composition, such as cut diagonally. But the best way to find a good subject to walk by foot. And speed is too fast that it is a car or bicycle is often miss the subject. Photo is just and a little of the angle of difference, because the condition can be in the degree of light changes, look for an interesting subject while walking slowly.

Storefront de la porte, je trouve quand je me promène sur le Kamakura. Voir une photo bien et il est écrit avec le Musée d'art de verre dans le coin supérieur droit du panneau d'affichage. fer forgé d'art en verre et une poignée qui est incorporé dans la porte est intéressant. Étant donné que la lumière est venue dans une diagonale, il était à partir du milieu de l'angle de vue de la place dans la composition, comme coupé en diagonale. Mais la meilleure façon de trouver un bon sujet à marcher à pied. Et la vitesse est trop rapide qu'il est une voiture ou un vélo est souvent manquer le sujet. La photo est juste et un peu de l'angle de la différence, parce que la condition peut être dans le degré de changements de lumière, pour trouver un sujet intéressant tout en marchant lentement.

【 bicycle : 自転車 】NIKON D700 / NIKON AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm (f/5 1/100)

【 bicycle : 自転車 】NIKON D700 / NIKON AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm (f/5 1/100)


【english】Bicycle for children. Type of machine to go kicking because there is no pedal and gear. Cute small. Pat running on a rough road because the tire is fat!

【français】Vélo pour les enfants. Type de machine pour aller coups de pied parce qu'il n'y a pas de pédale et la vitesse. Mignon petit. Pat en cours d'exécution sur une route rugueuse parce que le pneu est épais!

Sep 17, 2016

【 Starbucks logo on the window :ウィンドウの中のスタバマーク 】NIKON D700 / AF micro NIKKOR 105mm (f/8 1/250)

【 Starbucks logo on the window :ウィンドウの中のスタバマーク 】NIKON D700 / AF micro NIKKOR 105mm (f/8 1/250)


See above in Shinjuku and many things can be seen. This photo and In the photo is building a bent screw in the glass of a building that looked up, because the logo of Starbucks, which is in the building itself was interesting, shooting. To shoot the glass is very interesting because the show a lot of facial expressions by time.

Voir ci-dessus à Shinjuku et beaucoup de choses peuvent être vus. Cette photo et sur la photo est en train de construire une vis coudé dans le verre d'un immeuble qui leva les yeux, parce que le logo de Starbucks, qui est dans le bâtiment lui-même était intéressant, la prise de vue. Pour tirer le verre est très intéressant parce que le spectacle beaucoup d'expressions faciales par le temps.

【 Tree nuts:木の実 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 Tree nuts:木の実 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm


【english】Nuts that had been placed on top of the park of the desk. I wonder if a child that played. It is boke well before and after the tree nuts.

【Français】Les noix qui avaient été placés sur le dessus du parc du bureau. Je me demande si un enfant qui a joué. Il est floue bien avant et après les noix.

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm (f/1.8 1/80)

【 Yorkshire terrier and Maltese:ヨークシャーテリア&マルチーズ 】NIKON D500 / AF-S NIKKOR 50mm (f/1.8 1/80 ISO1100)

【english】"I want to play with you.come over here. You always sleeping."

【français】"Je veux jouer avec toi venir ici. tu dormir toujours."

Sep 16, 2016

【 Stone statue:石像 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm (f/2 1/125)

【 Stone statue:石像 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm (f/2 1/125)


【english】Stone statue that stood at the entrance of the hotel. Frog that an umbrella. Southeast Asian atmosphere.

【français】Une statue en pierre qui se trouvait à l'entrée de l'hôtel. Grenouille qu'un parapluie. Atmosphère sud-est asiatique.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

【 bicycle : 自転車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 50mm ( f/4.5 1/160 )

【 bicycle : 自転車 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 50mm ( f/4.5 1/160 )


【english】Bicycle had been tied up in the parking lot. Saddle enhanced. I think this kind of bicycle is also easy to ride, sitting feet do not stick to the road. Trouble not put out the camera from the bag when it stopped at the signal.(*Please tell me if the sentence is funny)

【français】Bicycle avait été immobilisé dans le parking. Selle améliorée. Je pense que ce genre de vélo est également facile à monter, assis pieds ne collent pas à la route. Problème pas éteindre l'appareil photo du sac quand il est arrêté à signal.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

【 bakery:パン屋 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm D (f/7.1 1/200)

【 bakery:パン屋 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm D (f/7.1 1/200)



Nearby bakery shop window. Illustrations on the wall in the entire surface of the glass is is drawn. Interesting because what is visible on captured that is reflected to shoot the glass. I will be at the time we find the glass, towards the time being camera shooting. Light condition and of, various photos can be taken by the scenery around you visible on captured. Inconspicuous if wearing black clothes if you do not want yourself glare. Because I always wears flashy clothes, it tends to be dead issue and often visible on captured absolutely.(*Please tell me if the sentence is funny)


À proximité vitrine de la boulangerie. Illustrations sur le mur dans la surface du verre est est tiré. Intéressant parce que ce qui est visible sur capturée est réfléchie à tirer sur le verre. Je serai au moment où nous trouvons le verre, vers le moment caméra tir. État Lumière et, diverses photos peuvent être prises par le paysage autour de vous visible sur capturé. Inconspicuous si vous portez des vêtements noirs si vous ne voulez pas vous-même éblouissement. Parce que je porte toujours des vêtements flashy, elle tend à être lettre morte et souvent visible sur capturé absolument.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

【 get NIKON D500 : D500が来た! 】

【 get NIKON D500 :  D500が来た! 】
NIKON D500をゲットした。詳しい説明はカメラに詳しい人のサイトで調べてください。私は詳しくないので「カメラよくわからないけど、いい写真撮りたい!」という人の参考になれば思い書いてます。私の撮影方法はシンプル。



【english】Get NIKON D500. Please detailed explanation is examined in the familiar site to the camera. "I not familiar with the camera, you want! Take a good photo," because I not familiar am writing I think if a reference for people who. My imaging method is simple.

(1) find the one you want to take
(2) Set up a camera
(3) Press the shutter

Only this. How exposed is, does not the shutter speed I feel it hup (categorically). Once you put a camera in hand, to defeat messing with thoroughly camera until the color photos are like, then continue to take more than a few days without changing the nearly setting style. Recently, Nikon camera tried to get the D500 this time because the feel that you are suited to their senses. D500 is the feeling that was in his hand is light compared to the D700. The difference between the D700 is a lot. LCD monitor for confirmation that the first lucky in the back of the camera has become clean. Nikon monitor up to now is not enough to human beings who are accustomed to the iPhone bad is Ballmer. D500 of the monitor to moves to clean, can also be expanded with a finger. Finally it became common. Flash was unlucky on the after is gone. I asked to Nikon's people had said, "it was no longer necessary because can take a photo even in dark place". I came to this is also convenient because it does not flash photography. Open that's camera flash is lucky and arbitrarily when dark because there was a thing in the way to the top. For now today so far. And little by little up every day.(*Please tell me if the sentence is funny)

【français】Obtenez NIKON D500. Please explication détaillée est examinée dans le site familier à la caméra. "Je ne connais pas l'appareil photo, vous veux! Prenez une bonne photo," parce que je ne connais pas du matin écriture, je pense que si une référence pour les personnes qui. Mon méthode d'imagerie est simple.

(1) trouver celui que vous voulez prendre
(2) Mettre en place une caméra
(3) Appuyez sur le déclencheur

Seulement cela. Comment exposé est, ne la vitesse d'obturation, je le sens pas hup (catégorique). Une fois que vous mettez un appareil photo à la main, pour vaincre jouer avec fond la caméra jusqu'à ce que les photos en couleur sont comme, puis continuez à prendre plus de quelques jours sans changer le style réglage près. récemment, un appareil photo Nikon a essayé d'obtenir le D500 cette fois parce que la sensation que vous êtes adapté à leurs sens. D500 est le sentiment qui était dans sa main est la lumière par rapport à la D700. la différence entre la D700 est un moniteur beaucoup. LCD pour confirmer que la première chance dans le dos de l'appareil est devenu propre. Nikon surveiller jusqu'à maintenant n'est pas assez pour les êtres humains qui sont habitués à la mauvaise iPhone est Ballmer. D500 du moniteur se déplace à propre, peut également être étendue avec un doigt. Enfin, il est devenu commun. flash a été malchanceux sur le après est parti. Je demandai aux gens de Nikon avait dit, «il était plus nécessaire parce que peut prendre une photo, même dans un endroit sombre." Je est venu à cela est également pratique car il ne clignote pas la photographie. Ouvrez c'est flash de l'appareil est chanceux et arbitrairement quand sombre parce qu'il y avait une chose dans le chemin vers le haut. pour l'instant aujourd'hui jusqu'à présent. et peu à peu tous les jours.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

Sep 15, 2016

【 chopsticks:箸 】iPhone 4 f/2.8 1/17

【 chopsticks:箸 】iPhone 4 f/2.8  1/17

【english:*Please tell me if the sentence is funny】Neatly ordered chopsticks . When the layout is reminiscent of the sun and flowers . You feel you have graphic design of the Japanese culture .

【français:*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si】Soigneusement commandé baguettes. Lorsque la mise en page rappelle le soleil et des fleurs. Vous sentez que vous avez la conception graphique de la culture japonaise.

【 Blue:青 】NIKON D700 / ZOOM NIKKOR 120mm f/9 1/320

【 Blue:青 】NIKON D700 / ZOOM NIKKOR 120mm f/9 1/320

【english】Blue container. I wonder has been carried from somewhere.(*Please tell me if the sentence is funny)

【français】Container bleu. Je me demande a été réalisée à partir de quelque part.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

Sep 14, 2016

【 Faucet:水道の蛇口 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8

【 Faucet:水道の蛇口 】NIKON D700 / AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8 

【english】Since the camera that was lying around the house (D200) was the interchangeable lens, the first was playing to replace the hobbling lens. Subject to be photographed with the lens becomes longer comes up. Because when it comes to up looks better than my vision, I feel that powerful comes out to. The first was impressed by this phenomenon. I think I wonder if this feeling of when the eye is bad person for the first time wearing glasses. Interesting variation other than the telephoto photos was noticed that several certain and much has continued to shoot. When it comes to want to cram a lot of things in the photo, it is necessary to wide-angle lens rather than a telephoto lens. There are variations even lens length of a number between the wide-angle lens (about 20mm) from the telephoto lens (200mm or 300mm, etc.), no idea what kind of take pictures and use any length of the lens is the time of the just started shooting I did not understand. Do not know of whether well say indicates that the lens and the length even now. My father is a hobby is photography, through trial and error with a lot of lens to the camera that is lying around in the house, has come to take pictures in little by little their taste. This photo was taken with a combination of macro lens of D700 and 105mm. Time and tuition, but some take, I think to try to continue to enjoy because everything interesting.(*Please tell me if the sentence is funny)

【français】Comme l'appareil qui se trouvait autour de la maison (D200) était l'objectif interchangeable, la première a été de jouer pour remplacer la lentille clopinant. Sous réserve de se faire photographier avec la lentille devient plus vient vers le haut. Parce que quand il vient à regarde mieux que ma vision, je pense que puissant sort à. Le premier a été impressionné par ce phénomène. Je pense que je me demande si ce sentiment quand l'œil est mauvaise personne pour la première fois le port de lunettes. Intéressant variation autre que les photos de téléobjectif a été remarqué que plusieurs certain et beaucoup a continué à tirer. Quand il vient à vouloir entasser beaucoup de choses sur la photo, il est nécessaire d'objectif grand-angle, plutôt que d'un téléobjectif. Il y a des variations, même de longueur de l'objectif d'un nombre entre la lentille grand-angle (environ 20 mm) du téléobjectif (200mm ou 300mm, etc.), aucune idée de quel genre de prendre des photos et utiliser toute la longueur de la lentille est le moment de la fusillade vient de commencer Je ne savais pas. Je ne sais pas si bien dire indique que l'objectif et la longueur même maintenant. Mon père est un passe-temps est la photographie, par essais et erreurs avec beaucoup de soleil à la caméra qui est couché autour de la maison, est venu de prendre des photos à peu à peu leur goût. Cette photo a été prise avec une combinaison de macro de D700 et 105mm. Le temps et les frais de scolarité, mais certains prennent, je pense que d'essayer de continuer à profiter parce que tout intéressant.(*S'il vous plaît me dire si la phrase est drôle est si)

【 old ford : アメリカ製の4WD 】canon EOS kiss X7/canon EF 85mm

【 old ford : アメリカ製の4WD 】canon EOS kiss X7/canon EF 85mm

American-made 4WD. Nice design. Recently, the car of companionship design will not be released. Old days of American car is interesting strong claims.

Américain-fait 4WD. Nice design. Récemment, la voiture de la conception de la compagnie ne sera pas libéré. Les vieux jours de voiture américaine est fortes revendications intéressantes.

【 table & flowers :花瓶 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 table & flowers :花瓶 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm 

Vase that is decorated on the table. I went this cafe for the first time, was in love with. Delicious pancake.

Vase qui est décoré sur la table. Je suis allé dans ce café pour la première fois, était en amour avec. Crêpes Délicieux.

Sep 13, 2016

【 Blue key : 青い鍵 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 Blue key : 青い鍵 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

Small blue key. I do not know what to do key that's used. Calligraphy of the gate is painted a beautiful curve.

Petite touche bleue. Je ne sais pas quoi faire clé qui est utilisée. Calligraphie de la porte est peint d'une belle courbe.

【 motorcycles:バイク 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 motorcycles:バイク 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

Very small bike. Design is good. Model of design-focused by Honda. Since selling only a short period of time is often a rare model.

Sep 12, 2016

【 camera : canon EOS kiss X7 white 】

【 camera : canon EOS kiss X7 white 】

Before about a year, the first time a single-lens reflex digital camera that I buy on my own. It looks cute. It was a convenient lightly, recently has become like accessories.

Sep 11, 2016

【 sign board : 看板 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

【 sign board : 看板 】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 85mm

Shop sign. When the sign is to shoot at night, photo is interesting and is being lit up.

Sep 10, 2016

【 iron FENCE:鉄の柵 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm

【 iron FENCE:鉄の柵 】canon EOS kiss X7 / EF 85mm

Shooting on the bridge of the park. Bend the way of fence is interesting.

Sep 9, 2016

【 watch:時計  】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 60mm macro

【 watch:時計  】canon EOS kiss X7 / canon EF 60mm macro

Watch. Dolphin mark entering of the button. This much of the magnitude of what is laid out shooting in the macro is beautiful.